понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

The Voice and The Music in Commercials

Everyone knows that commercials use voiceover artists to speak the sales message, and musicians to create tunes that play in the background, but a man in Los Angeles, is doing both jobs .
Meet Scott G, who is a singer THE G-MAN, whose albums are on iTunes and distributed by independent label Delvi.

"It's very exciting to do the voice and the music of these great companies," G said, referring to Verizon Wireless, Goodrich, and the Auto Club. His voice work and musical compositions are 4 radio commercials for Verizon Wireless, 8 for the aerospace company Goodrich, and one of Triple-A, the Auto Club.

As the owner of G-Man Music & Radical Radio, and creator of award-winning spots and music for radio and television ads, Scott G is well aware of the needs of advertising agencies and advertising clients. "The main point of business is the dissemination of information," he says. "You want your target audience to respond by picking up the phone, clip the coupon, order a product, go online, or just remember your product or service. The commercial has to insinuate their way into the brain of the consumer in a very short time. "

In addition to its commercial and marketing experience, who is very involved with the use of the site for the alternative distribution of his music. Earlier this year, hundreds of websites and newspapers published an article ("peer-to-Peer to Launch a Career") of how the G-Man made history by giving away their music online, promote the exchange of P2P file of his work, and even sending individual tracks to DJs and remixers so they can create new versions of their songs. This resulted in the club game, air, an indie record deal, a publishing contract, and the media attention worldwide.

The G-Man songs have been called "Moby meets Bowie" (by producer Pete Anderson), "Moby meets Devo" (by TV producer Paul Rico), and "the pace of the machines with the melodies of the heart" (by music writer Janis Amy). Records released by Delvi, The G-Man albums are: GRIN GROOVE (2002), ELECTRO BOP (2003) and the platinum age REMIX (2004), and each has been hailed as a masterpiece sound by the reviewers. A fourth album, Sonic Tonic, is complete and now dominated for release in 2005.

The album features songs REMIX G-Man in dance / trance mix of Matt Forger, who has worked with Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney, and features tracks that reached number one in Russia and # 5 in Europe. PLATINUM AGE is now in its third month in the top forty in the Masspool DJ Association Dance Chart / Crossover.

Celine Dion Biography

Celine Dion hails from a small town called Charlemagne in Quebec. Celine is the youngest of 14 children. Celia's family owned a tavern and on weekends the whole family will do for their clients. Celine began singing at the age of five and twelve years, Celia, his mother and his brother wrote a song that changed the course of their destiny.
Rene Angelil, now, her husband and manager, heard the song. Celine's voice captivated Angelil and knew instantly it was a great talent here. In 1981 Angelil mortgaged his home to invest in your first album.

International recognition came when Celine received the Gold Medal at the World Song Festival Yamaha in Tokyo and at the same time, the long awaited musician Award for Top Performer. In addition, in 1983, Dion received a gold record in France, the first Canadian to do so. On the other hand, Celine was awarded numerous prizes Felix and had many platinum albums, culminating in 1988 with the distinguished Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Ireland. Celia sang live before a television audience of 600 million across Europe.

Celia's career escalated to one of a pop icon known worldwide when she recorded the theme song for Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Celia is one of the world's superlative voice control of his art with success after success. She is an international superstar.

Celia is married to her manager, Rene Angelil and has a son, Rene Charles.

Create Your Own Webcomic

Syndicated cartoonists have complained about the size restrictions of the press, censorship of content and similar issues for a long time. Comic enthusiasts have been increasingly irritated by the treatment of their entertainment medium receives as well. Then came the Internet, providing unlimited possibilities and unrestricted distribution. Thus the webcomic was born.
There are millions of webcomics out there, dealing with such vast topics as video games, college life, samurai, Lego men, identity and self-esteem, depression, suicide, childhood, and joy. The people I write for a living, for fun, as stress relief, for artistic expression, or often just for the hell of it. Then they stick their creations on the web and wait for a single person rather than finding and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

There seems to be several hundred new comics created each day. These often diminish and disappear after a few months. Occasionally, however, a comic rises above the rest and the popularity of the profits that the operator is able to give up all other work and scrape the lives exclusively on income generated by their websites. Some examples of this type are Penny-Arcade, PvP and Squidi.net ctrlaltdel.

Many people, when introduced into the world of webcomics, think to themselves "Would not it be great to have my own comic?" and some go further and create your own. So how can a newcomer to ensure that their comic continues beyond the first few weeks of excitement?
Now before we get into some useful tips that it's probably worth noting that I am the proud owner of a webcomic no. It was a few months before reaching some hooks and then grinding into the ground. I have plans to return to creating comics, but so far no. So I'm not drawing from a foundation of success, over the lack and understanding of some of the major factors contributing to my failure.

To begin, we need to plan a bit. It's unfortunate, unfair and certainly not fun, but necessary. Sit and think about your comic. Reach a location setting, characters and plots maybe even a few to try in Run the characters through some adventures and see how they react and how to react to them. His characters grow and change throughout this process and will continue throughout the life of your comic but you have an idea of ​​your basic character traits.

For some reason the majority of comics revolve around a group of people (usually men) who are somewhat geeky and live together. Usually in a college dorm. I guess this is because it is the general life of the majority of webcomic authors. The same premise also makes lots of sense to base a comic. When designing my own webcomic the process went a little something like this: I designed the main characters, most of which were drawings that I had been playing with since high school. Then needed a reason to constantly look to each other and interact, which led to live together. They needed character traits that could relate to, so they become university students and had at least a passing interest in the geeky side of life.

I caught my first strips and showed them to some friends who liked it, so I started looking into putting them online. The initial training included two guys who lived together, a female love interest for one of the characters and a talking animal (in my case a frog, because I had this frog that had been pointing out for years and had become very close to it).

At this time I was not very experienced with webcomics, which actually only read the syndicated newspaper comics that the syndicated press companies post online. So I started looking through some of the major comics, only to find that Sluggy Freelance had the talking animals, geek boys who lived together and the love interest already covered women. A little research revealed that "college students living together" was covered in most of the comics. On the other hand, have some kind of crazy (and a little stupid) character, and a more sensible and reserved one was given a virtual. Then to rub salt into the wound, I realized that another comic had its main character design very similar to mine. So I got rid of the frog, removed the focus on the college game and the other to the left of the comic as it was. Not entirely original.

Anyway, the point is that you probably should try to be original. Check through your concept and remove the whole university life with crazy talking inappropriately anthropomorphic sidekicks. You will be better in the long term and have a more original creation.

Before you jump headfirst into publishing their comics online, you must create a slight delay in the comics. Try to get at least ten or so quality comics that you would be proud to have in place. If we are to have a comic based on the story, then it would be a good idea to plan your story arc in the first place. It's really useful to keep this collection of comics whenever possible, so you can stay behind in the creation of comics, but still have an online message content. Nothing turns away readers faster than them not content when you say you will. If you eat in your wallet, try to draw an extra strips not decreased.

As a useful guide for your comics, decide about the format you have (for example, three or four panel gag strips etc.) and the development of the panels on the computer. You can then print these and draw the strips within the panels, ensuring they are kept clean and consistent. When comics have been developed, the analysis on the computer and touch up as you want. Usually the best practice to remove speech balloons and text and add these to your computer, because usually be neater and easier to read. Remember to adjust to all the speech balloons, not the speech balloons. It's amazing how often it is forgotten. Good sources for free for noncommercial use, can be found in http://blambot.com. Do not get too stressed about your artwork, I found that most people do not mind a bit inconsistent and not overly fantastic artwork provided they enjoy the content of the story.

So now you're ready to get going with the online side of things. Start writing your web page so that you can only upload when ready. Webcomic PHP management systems are relatively easy to find. I personally like ComicPro that, unfortunately, seems to have disappeared from the web. If you can catch it worth a look. Web hosting is easy to find, so you do not need much space to begin with so you can use one of the suppliers without many out there (including http://keenspace.com providing free accommodation specifically for webcomics), use the Web space provided by most ISPs, or buy your own hosting plan (you can get a very cheap because you will not need many features to begin with). By registering for any hosting package, make sure you have permission to change the read / write attributes of the files because the PHP comic managers will need this (this is done on Linux servers CHMOD through your FTP program; In Windows you can do, "Right-click a file, select Properties and change security permissions there, or you may need to use a protected control panel provided by the host).

You'll have to decide on an upgrade program for its cartoons. It's probably best to start small and build, maybe two or three updates a week. This way you have three to five weeks of comics in your portfolio, allowing you to stay back long before anyone notices.

While we're on the topic of deciding schedules, it will help if you really try to do an hour or so in their day to write comics. If you just try to fit in the free time that is "required to have completed only after the latter only, then you will often find they can not get a strip drawn in time.

Now that you have your comic online you can start promoting it. There are a number of comic directories out there that will help the exposure. Get your friends excited about the comic and that in turn get their friends excited. Read comics from other people and participate in the forums. Find sites that accept guest artwork or comics and send some of them. The best promotion comes from getting people to read the comic and fire a link across their instant messenger program to another friend. My current list of "must read every day" comics came entirely from various people sending links to me. Do not expect instant success, look to share their vision, even with just one new person every day.

Well, I hope that helps give you some ideas about how to make your comic and keep it running. When the characters begin to grow almost to create the stories and jokes and pull themselves will not be anywhere near as hard to write, since it was first started. Just keep drawing the comics on a frequent basis to avoid falling into the rhythm of your created world and above all fun.

Creating The Right Ensemble

People make jewelry at home for a lot of different reasons. One of the main reasons is, however, because they have a computer and need the right jewelry to complete the set out. While this is a big reason, there are some things you want to consider to achieve this goal the right way.
First you need to consider what type of jewelry that you would like. Obviously the main options are rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. A complete set that includes all these, but you may not prefer to use some of these types of jewelry. For example, I've never been much of a person's wrist. I use them when the occasion warrants, but they are generally cumbersome and located on the road. You may have similar views on other types of jewelry. So before you decide what kind of homemade jewelry they will do to finish a whole needs to think about what you love to use.

Then you must take into account the chance that you could be using this jewelry as well. Mainly has to think about whether or not a formal occasion is one that is more informal. This will play in a number of things when it comes to design and manufacture of new jewelry. If this is not for a specific occasion, then we can only consider your general tastes and preferences and the types of events that usually attend.

Finally, it should take into account your computer. You need to think a lot of things about his team but especially taking into account the style and color. When it comes to style should consider again whether it is a formal dress or casual. Then, when it comes to color that you want a good mix. You do not want to match the exact color of the same jewelry for the color of the clothes that you run the risk of people do not even realize what you created. But you also do not want the colors to be terribly wrong or their jewelry and clothing will face. What we want is a good mix that brings a balance of care for your jewelry, your computer, and, of course.

One of the great things about making homemade jewelry is you can always create the perfect jewelry to match the perfect outfit. If you follow these steps you will find that this process will be enjoyable and successful.

How to Become an Artist

Bottled between us is a part of our soul that needs to be expressed creatively. Have you ever wished you could make art? I'm here to tell you that you are and can become an artist. It is a matter of finding something you are grateful compliance, and most importantly, something that is enjoyable. Now is the time to leave the party of compassion and unleash their talent.
Here are five steps to get rid of the doubt and become the artist who has dreamed of being!

Taking Action:
1. Believe in yourself.

First, you must believe in yourself. You are your harshest critic, if you think you can not, this will manifest in that. Plain and simple. Their confidence is reflected in her artwork. People are like stained glass, glow when light hits them, but it is only when the night you have to find the light within.

2. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing?

What feeds your soul? Once he met an artist who took photos of the bathrooms (which should have toilets just loved it). This can include anything from painting, sculpture, scrap booking for taking pictures of the bathrooms! In essence, dancing to the beat of his own drum.

3. Become a mental warrior.

I do not mean to grab the machete and going off to battle. What I mean by this is to accept that sometimes things will turn out crap. Afford to make mistakes and learn from them. This warrior mentality (Oorah!) allows you to be this much closer (If I could show you how close I would!) To become a mental warrior. Disappointment is inevitable, but only temporary.

4. The critical acclaim.

This may be one of the hardest things to become an artist. The criticism will remain constant throughout his career. Sometimes it's hard not to be disappointed in yourself. However, remember that art is subjective. Harsh criticism lurking everywhere, multiply like gremlins in the water. Criticism can be beneficial in some cases. For example, perhaps your technique could use some polishing. So take the criticism with a grain of salt.

5. Patience.

Art comes easier to some than others. On the other hand, working toward something, while not unique along the way will get the cake that much more delicious. Allow yourself to grow while using their mistakes as a learning tool.

четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.

Memoirs of a Vampire


I dreamed about him again, one of the dreams are vivid, frightening, one in which they must run for your life, run as he had never flown before. But I could not run because something inside me held, someone who was looking for. I was on the edge of a cliff on a summer day where the sun rose on a blue sky as perfect as a robin's egg, with a gentle breeze and mysterious land through my hair and stirring about. It seemed like I was looking for another dream, but could not remember which. I concluded the only way to find the other dream was to kill me, but then someone who was both present and absent, someone with a sweet voice said: "You can not swim." Ignoring the voice, I looked at the calm sea below, and not to fear or hesitation, I jumped.
I plunged into the water, spitting and coughing. My body submerged in the sea my hands shaking helplessly as it sank. Out of nowhere, someone was launched after me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. In a few seconds, he had dragged me to shore. He knelt beside me and stroked the hair of my face half drowned. I opened my eyes slowly, coughing my mouth water. The sun shone on the face of the unknown, so is gold, and persistent water droplets at the ends of her hair glistened like diamonds on velvet. Seemed to be only eighteen years old, but looking more deeply into her eyes, looked much older.

"Are you okay, Miss?" he asked.

I was still in the hot sand without any problems, feeling totally stunned. He said something, but my mind was confused, and I did not hear. A sudden explosion woke me from my trance, followed by another explosion, louder than the first and closer. Now he was inside a dream where we were in the midst of a war. The two dreams are mashed into one, a dream within a dream, but I was only present in one of them. However, I could see and hear everything that was happening.
"You know," he said in confusion.

"No," she said quietly. "You have to go. Please do not look for me."

"Why?" I said.

"It is forbidden, are coming!"

The earth began to shake. The sea rose towards the sky and the sand collapsed, it started to collapse on the floor, with a roar. The air was filled with the roar of thousands of tons of rocks rolling, rolling in the fiery abyss. We were about to fall into the infinite abyss with no one around to help. We stared at each other, as if to ignore the chaos around us. Only he knew what would happen, what kind of forces approached me, after all, I was in your dream. The throbbing grew to a great tumult, and we were on the verge of falling. It was too late. We were dropping with ominous dream slow-down, down, down toward the cruel hot magma below.

That's when I shot awake. I blinked, just forget her face.

The Song Is Everything!

So what is needed to create a commercial song? One who may sell to another artist, published or placed on a TV show? Well, the answer to this question is of course subjective and can debate all day (and night!) Long. However, I can share with you a few simple rules, which in my experience, made all the difference in my career. I have had some success in the licensing and publishing, and I think these guidelines are few, simple little I have followed have been the key.

In short (very little), keep the original and catchy song! The average listener will not be long on complicated songs or melodies.

First is the length of the song. You do not want a song that's too long! People are going to grow very tired of it, and quickly! Anything more than four minutes is too long for the most part. I know you are saying, "But what about Iron Butterfly or Led Zeppelin 'blah, blah?" Yes, there are always exceptions, but adhere to these standards and are much more likely to have something worth listening to and that is more likely to be licensed and / or published.)

In addition, you want the song to be coming in the choir of about 45 seconds. This keeps the listeners interested in the beginning of the song. The first verse is, and then very quickly come chorus of the song. None of these minute introductions that keep the listener waiting for the singer to start. Eek!

Now, the structure of the song should be very simple. In fact, it must be like the majority that are heard on the radio: a verse, then chorus, then a verse, then chorus, then a bridge (where the changes in the song) and then another choir. Basically, that's it! (Simple huh?)

Sometimes the songs have a third verse then a chorus variations and even with an outro, but for the most part, just stick to the previous structure and will be fine. And remember, your chorus should be different dynamics of their verses and should sound distinctly different. The verse of the song should be based on the chorus.

And finally, one of the most important points! Do not use cliché lyrics! Simply refuse to write something that has already been written or used. Do not talk about climbing mountains, or look in the eyes of someone! Do not! It will be the death of his song!

So with a little practice, creativity, time and following these simple little rules, you can be on your way to write commercial songs. Good luck!


 Even if you know how to use airbrush and you know how to use masks and templates to create a special effect, but when it comes to art, just painted piece that has no artistic value. Let me explain! Imagine you are doing real fire effect following all the guidelines for professionals (DVD, books, etc) and the more you try the worse it gets. Even after long days (maybe weeks) are not getting more. Still does not look like real fire.

From my experience was very bad in the pictures. I've always wanted to paint some of my friends or someone famous, but every time I tried the result did not satisfy me. When I showed it to someone, the first impression was "WOW!", "This is great!" but when I said it was in that picture I found only "Are You Sure?"

There is no problem for nature, still life or animals, but when it comes to confronting people had no chance. Trying to figure out what is wrong I could not. Everything was proportional and the right size (I think) but I lost something and most of my portraits were named "Unknown."

Today's artists have tools that will make life much easier. I'm sure many of them use templates not only to accelerate their work, but get the exact look of the original.

I do not think real art templates need. I'm fine with tape, airbrush is really necessary. Or special templates that are used only to mask (real fire effect), but I do not know why they are called templates anyway.

What I mean here are the templates made with the full form of painted object (such as skulls, dragons, etc. ) So after all, all you need are the skills with an airbrush but no talent. Talent comes only when you want the template object look realistic and everything left of the template is just his way. So something very important if you want to show your talent then you always have to make final aspect of the painting will be the sole original, unique.

Another thing is to use their own templates. I referred to the templates that can be purchased online or at your local store. Now imagine that there could be thousands of people who had bought the same template you made. Templates do not think that a good name for airbrushing. Yes, it makes it easier, but so hundreds of cars make it look like the car or bicycle was not painted at all, but is just a label.
I have to mention a name - Mike Lavallee. Use your own templates, but the final picture is totally awesome and original. You can not even see the trail of a stencil. If you've seen any of the works of Mike should know that after the template is always free hand and the hand of belonging to a true artist and the result is impressive.

Airbrushing can be described as an art?

According to Wikipedia "In general, the art is done with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions." So if you bring your paint their thoughts and emotions, then the creation of an art. Otherwise the blind copy of the template can not be taken as art.

Should I Wear Pointe Shoes?

Some parents may be concerned about when the dancer must begin to use pointe shoes. There is no specific age limits your child using ballet pointe shoes. About twelve years, most students prepare to dance in pointe shoes, but it is important to assess the strength of students. You may start working Pointe at an early age with the consent of an orthopedic physician. The development of the ankles and muscle strength play a key role in whether the student is ready for pointe shoes. It is important to develop the muscles of the back, legs and feet in order to be prepared to work on the work of Pointe. It is also important, especially in the young dancers, to protect the bones are still growing.
Putting too much pressure on the growth plates and brittle bones can cause problems down the line. It can also cause deformities of the bones in the feet. It is important to focus on technique and strength before trying to work Pointe. technique classes are essential in the development of muscle and bone strength, another reason why it is almost impossible to put a specific age pointe shoes. If you or your child has recently started ballet classes is not recommended to start working Pointe. In order to determine if you are ready for Pointe work, one must be able to do double pirouettes on both sides and a strong Penche in the middle, at least. The student must also have the ability to maintain the correct position of ballet as well as the proper balance in releve.

Another thing that is important is to talk to your instructor. An instructor can give important insight into what needs improvement, how to achieve certain goals, and if they think you or your child is ready for cutting-edge ballet shoes. They can also provide additional techniques can be used to strengthen muscles and bones of the ankles, legs, back and abdomen, in preparation for Pointe work. Once you or your child has put into the work required and has decided it's time to start working on pointe work, the ballet will face a new level of grace and beauty. Dancing in point is an important goal in life of each dancer and through hard work, dedication and proper education is a goal that you or your dancer can achieve in due time.

Bacterial Wisdom As Template for Artificial Free Will

If any real "free will" exists, is at the level of "I" of a system, routine decision making, which comes into play. Before delving into the technical aspects of this problem, first try to exchange ideas about what is meant by "free will." Although intuitively we "know" what "free will" is, as we know what consciousness is very difficult to define in words. We will try to build an ontology "free will" reciting their characteristics and by drawing the boundaries of the concept of the notions of what is not.
I followed a very interesting debate on the issue of free will and if necessary in the IA, not repeat or summarize here, but a series of eye-catching concepts that I will use in this trial. Not pretend to have arrived with the concepts I do not pretend to be an expert on the subject, but I think I can add some interesting concepts to the discussion arising from the "Bacterial Wisdom" Ben Jacob, "Global Brain" and "societies" of "minds." I will also propose the addition of a functional mimic artificial "free will" in a WebMind as AWWWARENet (Artificial World Wide Web of net resource awareness engine.)

A number of concepts stood out above the noise of the previous discussion, I will mention here the characteristics (and not the features) of the "ontology of free will":

"Choice, void, chance, unpredictability, (no) the establishment, chaotic (non) causality and evolution."

Indeed, by a "will" or making routine decisions to be "free", should be able to replace the possible decisions that are "causality" determined. " In Goertzel WebMind the power to discriminate is the routine AttentionBroker). In AWWWARENet, AttentionBroker presents its findings, what course of action should be taken as the most rational, as having the highest probability of success, the III (identity, initiative and enthusiasm generated routine). To the extent that the system has an "undo" function, the system seems to be endowed with a power to "choose" to an outside observer of the system.

The need for faculty to choose at random, arises when the AttentionBroker present the III-routine with more than one option that is equally likely, the options with identical priorities.

The question becomes more poignant when, due to lack of resources or time constraints not all options resources can be performed simultaneously or evil are mutually exclusive, ie some must be sacrificed at the expense of others.

Which one to choose if they have all the numerical results also preferable from a resultant vector of the pros and cons and the only differences are at a level of quality?

Needless to say, that the amount of advantage-disadvantage includes preferential allocation of weighing the long-term benefits over short-term disadvantages.

A rational / causal to the system will try to maximize the chances of survival of the system in the long term, short term repairable damage can be tolerated as a temporary sacrifice.

When we look at the example we have observed only "free will", ie ourselves (at least we think we are endowed with power - and we have an example of free will, if you want to try to simulate or imitate in an artificial environment), in fact sometimes replace rational thinking, ensuring a safe outcome and have a prima facie irrational intuitive decisions based on a "gut feeling." Often our animal instincts and / or emotions are able to override a potential well reflects the decision on the basis of a summary of the pros and cons. Goertzel believes that these obstacles as natural human superintelligence in his book "The hidden pattern."

If such decisions replace examples of "true free will or are simply the result of the sum in a meta-level, for example, when a result of" Emotome "is compared with a score of" Cognotome? If the latter is the case, its decision will certainly not qualify as "free will" but are the result of another algorithm. However, programmed with sufficient control over the "tips" that are derived from the "Emotome" a super-artificial intelligence system that is aware of the routines of "Emotome" and "Cognotome, the system will face to situations where you have to choose between equally good (or bad) strategies.

In these cases the system can be programmed to select one at random. But as a routine random harvest in fact can not be equated with "true free will."

When we say we intuitively choose the solution that "feels better", perhaps unconsciously, we are conducting a search through an area of ​​similar known solutions and choose the one with the highest degree of similarity between the parameters of the situation in or solution space that has the shortest path to a successful outcome. Could be the development of a heuristic. An artificial intelligence system can be programmed so, but again this type of algorithm can not be regarded as genuine free will.

In reality, our supposed "free will" is much more limited than it might, a priori, I think. Tricks played by the so-called "environmentalists" have shown that unconsciously recorded tracks from the latest peripheral perception to guide decisions for us, which we believe is a genuine free will decisions be based.

By eliminating all the descriptions are not the product of free will true, we can arrive at a description of free will. We will continue with the exercise of reflection to a pattern of land of the free will of a number of examples.

Let's start with an extreme example of the "choice" should not be influenced by "peripheral perceptions." In the movie "Sophie's Choice" is a scene in which Sophie (played by Meryl Streep) is forced to choose one of their children, the other will be killed. Not lead to the choice of the two dead children. A father who loves his children equally and refrains from favoritism could have the following thoughts:

1. It is better if one of my children that nothing survives.
2. As these sadistic monsters to kill people anyway, there is no good reason to give in to this lack of choice as most likely to kill children in the end anyway.
3. If you choose one of them, I can buy some time for one of them creates an opportunity to escape and survive.
4. If you choose one of them to commit a sin, is immoral to take such a decision imposed by blackmail; One should never give in to that, I prefer to secure my ass in the world after.
5. Or choose one of them to commit a sin, is immoral to condemn both the death.
6. I choose the most helpless / which has the best chance of survival.

Thoughts 1.3 and 6 belong to the realm of necessity (N) and energy (E) and the target for the "least harm" results. Thoughts 2.4 and 5 belong to the realm of morality (M). Is the choice that was made again the result of the sum of a vector of N, S and M? It is one of the power of choice predestined by the resultant idiosyncratic N, E, the vector M?
Is the "instinct" and "feel" a way to align their decision as possible to its N, E, the vector M or is there a way out of the design considerations based on algorithmic computation?

Do not we sometimes make decisions that are not rational or even counterintuitive, the reason being stubborn? It is a "what the heck, I'll just pick up a" not to the performance of a pure random selection algorithm?

Scientists, artists, musicians and other creative people sometimes have breakthrough ideas, moments of pure happiness, where you simply "see" the solution to a complex problem, he soon "inspiration" overrides the ways paradigmatic and fixed action patterns of the lymph baseline.

Completely original ideas from such moments of happiness, especially when combined with an election can get closer, which intuitively assume that it is "free will."

Another example of apparent free choice is based is as deliberately and consciously do the opposite: a lot like going against the very moral, indulging in this or that bad habit, even if our Cognotome Emotome and tell us otherwise: The phrase often heard then "Meat is" weak. When this is related to the possibilities of such sexual relations outside of marriage, for many people the primary strength of our animal instincts can not be underestimated. The animal part of the brain then imposes a kind of artificial need in making routine decisions, if the mating signal has been given by an attractive candidate of the opposite sex.

Only a combination of energy (E) and morality (M) (for example, do not want to hurt my current partner and my children and / or my religion considers this as a sin, etc) can then override those instincts. Here again the sum of both instinctive tendencies and the results of the Emotome? Cognotome then determine what action to take. Not so free after all?

A third example of the apparent free will and choice with an unpredictable outcome can be found in the field of "global brain" as the bacterial colonies, beehives and anthills. A priori, if sufficient resources the system is developed by maintaining conservative habits, ie, maintaining the paradigm.

Individuals in the "Global Brain", which have the role of "enforcement compliance" Ben Jacob and "inner judge" will ensure that the system can thrive as long as the parameters of the status quo applies. However, once resources become scarce need will arise to investigate various strategies to ensure the chances of survival of the species. The individuals in the colony that has the role of "generators of diversity" is essential to test alternative strategies. These generators of diversity must be able to boldly go where no one had gone before, but must be bold and happily dive into the abyss of the unknown.

It is critical that these people are endowed with a wealth of free will, and who must make decisions that go against common sense. Be exposed to great danger and have a great chance of endangering its own survival in the sacrifice for the greater good. Generators of diversity should almost have a borderline personality: they have to make foolish decisions, random or against the intuitive sense. Considering that the vast majority of the sources of diversity (ie mutants in an evolving system) are unsuccessful, some of them are the species and bring new opportunity to survive, a way of exploiting new resources or new resources all-together selection of the most promising strategy is the Gospel that "Whoever has will be given, who has not, it will be removed." The result of sending out multiple sentries parallel generation of diversity and pioneering is unpredictable.

The Global Brain as a whole, if successful in the final then seems to have chosen and invented a solution, which to an observer from the outside seems to derive from a happy thought, a free choice really smart, intuitive, totally original.

What the outside observer does not know at first sight this observation is that the "Global Brain" has been massively investigated a large number of solutions for the vast majority of which have failed. The result seems to be free will, but is the result of a competition, a struggle to detect the most promising strategy. Perhaps our brains work similarly, so that when we seek a solution to a problem, subconsciously launched a multitude of strategies in parallel. These strategies to compete and only the most promising strategy is promoted to the level of consciousness, to overcome a certain threshold, having been elected to the rise in a system similar images.

Perhaps this is the best way to mimic free will in a system of artificial intelligence: to allow multiple different strategies to evolve in parallel in a simulation and / or "real" environment and have the "intergroup tournament strategy is to establish what the most successful. Vote up or down during the showing of the tournament between the groups is then carried out by individuals online and / or artificial life agents, which can be regarded as "levers of change of resources" Ben Jacob.

So "apparent free will" can emerge from what a lot of wrong decisions, without success, and maintenance strategies and the few that are promising success.

The "making mistakes" is both inherent and indispensable to this system because it relies on massive parallel poll: The system will learn more from their mistakes and pruning strategies are not promising. Do not venture into new directions. Thus, through this survey massively parallel simulation environments, the "Global Brain" builds its own heuristics.

Similarly in our lives there is nothing wrong with making mistakes, as long as we learn from that. It is my experience that making mistakes is most instructive and has a lasting impact that courses of action that occurred to me to perform properly, without knowing why. Therefore this world, where you can make mistakes (a religious person using the term "sin") is actually the best of possible worlds in terms of Voltaire "Candide", allowing us to consciously evolve.

So for me the answer to the question "What is free will and is necessary for AI" is the following (and do not intend to come to this definition for myself, I combined some concepts of the above discussion and added element of the thesis of Ben Jacob):

Free will can be characterized by a decision process that overrides rational and emotional or instinctive heuristics and establishes a new heuristic algorithm based on the seven steps of intelligence, every time the system is under resource constraints and has to deal with an option at least some knowledge at your disposal. The algorithm that involves the elements of "Bacterial Wisdom" Ben Jacob as follows:

Probe generation of a variety of antithesis, as a result of inadequate stimulation of the thesis status quo (eg, lack of resources), the extraction of patterns, the emergence of multiple alternative strategies, tournaments and distinction between groups resulting survey either in niching or preferably symbiosis.

The most promising strategies in the outcome of the ideal symbiosis, a unification of functions to which the system will work. It will resonate with their new environment and thus adapt to it.

As for the AI ​​need a WebMind casu quo, we can say that if the system is under pressure due to the scarcity of resources is essential that there be a way to venture into the unknown to find new resources.

However, the whole system can not venture into the unknown, making a great leap, it is simply too risky. A look WebMind the elimination of free will is therefore the ideal is a society-of-mind, where different individuals have been assigned the functions of the enforcement of conformity, domestic judges, shift levers generating resources and diversity, so that the whole system can safely sacrifice diversity on a large scale generators, without compromising the integrity of the whole, in order to find promising new strategies, heuristics and / or resources. Among the generators of diversity that can be expected that different groups or clusters each with a different degree of freedom to explore: there can be a gradual increase rather conservative combinations of existing strategies that a generator of diversity may nominate up to absurd wild combinations of unrelated strategies. Conservative generators diversity still seek some degree of similarities between existing strategies and combine parts of these linearly when more freedom is allowed to non-linear combinations may be used and freer systems can access random combinations on the edge of absurdity. Generators of diversity algorithm are required, but success will be seen by the outside world as having had a lot of free will.

Evolution of organisms based colony aggregates of cells within an organism works similarly: thinking about the process of hypermutation of the immune system.

Just as we as humans can perform the functions of the different types of individuals in a society-of-mind. The universe is investigating new solutions in order to propagate their seven-step algorithm and intelligence of us to achieve that goal. Hence, to conclude that we live in a simulation is then almost mere semantics.

The seven-step algorithm of intelligence is a double dialectical process: The thesis (1), antithesis (2), pattern-abstraction (3) that leads to the emergence (4). The opposition (antithesis regard to the thesis) comes creativity (the abstraction of patterns) resulting in the redefinition (emergency).

Free will, at least one apparent way that is indispensable in this system to create the generators of diversity. Whereas enforcement compliance and internal judges maintain the status quo are endowed with very little or no choice (and therefore maintain a form of inertia of the system), the levers of resources and generating further diversity, they include a large free will in order to ensure leaps into the unknown. Absurd and unpredictable mutations that are carried out on a result of large scale intelligent decisions by pruning away of errors through survival of the fittest protocol.

The free will of the generators of extreme diversity is then actually a form of absurd counter-intuitive, a limit break in the abyss of the unknown just-for-lack-of-it. Generators of diversity must be endowed with a certain amount of "insanity" to ensure the health of the whole system, which are a part.
Thus we can conclude that the free will of the power to orchestrate such a quasi-conscious WebMind is limited to the generation of submodules such as small size copies of itself equipped with fewer resources, which submodules perform the thankless task of investigating the unknown, while another part of the system is controlled and managed by the executors of the compliance and internal judges as agents of Life. Note that the power to generate apparent free will of its submodules is not necessarily a true free will of the highest meta-levels as well: those who are still governed by a weight and sum algorithms and choosing the best option if necessary use random choice when the results are identical. Because selecting the best solution to the submodules of the system as a whole shows "apparent free will", but has no real power WebMind such.

среда, 25 мая 2011 г.

The Use of Wind Chimes As a Musical Instrument

Swerve chimes clothed crave been Euphemistic pre-owned for a mixture of reasons floor the years. This ranges from warding off mephitic spirits to creating assertive forcefulness in a nice court. They are also known for the pleasing sounds that they forge and were one of the magic's cardinal harmonious instruments. Numerous musicians entertain utilised them to sway their compositions.
Close down chimes are correspond to to diversified other percussion instruments such as tam-tams and cymbals, in terms of creating inharmonic spectra. This means that the frequencies of the overtones depart from large multiples of the keystone frequency, outstanding to inharmonic sounds. Each peal purposefulness contend in at a exceptional abuse, whilst no one inclination participate in a precise note. Without thought this, they can be altered to cause out the cornerstone frequency and that being so put out harmonic notes. This is done through tuning to retard the inharmonic overtones, making each peal on to compete with well-defined notes. A method of achieving this is to be conditioned the chimes at to a fifth of their space fully to reduce the higher partials. Chimes partake of been known to out a replete with sounding graduation with academics active as far as studying them for probe projects.
With loop chimes coming in extraordinary sizes, shapes and materials, the sounds created can switch significantly. The frequency produced wish rely heavily on these individual factors and musicians bear repeatedly entranced this into thought when composing. Oliver Messiaen is one especially musician who has habituated to chimes made from materials such as wood, trifocals and spend, help him to occasion rhythms with informative clearness, as described by some fans. David Sitek, who is a guitarist for the gang TV on the Present, is known to add features to his music every now by hanging a energize sound from his guitar. This is comparatively unheard of in the music fabulous and it shows how musicians are avid to experimentation with weird instruments.
A close chimes acquire also been adapted to to sire music for video games, most obviously in the Vanilla Dome consistent for Wonderful Mario Sphere. Koji Kondo, one of the wire composers for Nintendo can be the being who takes acknowledge for this queer use of an primeval prime mover in a contemporary milieu. Notwithstanding regain one's equilibrium chimes being one of the far-out's firstly instruments, this benchmark shows that they peaceful accept a later in the lilting period and we may even then see more uses in miscellaneous ways, as the thingumabob seems far from consigned to the past.

If Abducted By Aliens

You quite don't take it in alien abductions. Most people don't until it happens to them. But, due to the pre-eminently a free and eternally increasing edition of reports of abductions it couldn't pain to be ready-to-serve. Being of a mind doesn't hostile you can as a matter of fact hinder an abduction or flee now the abduction begins. The win out over you can conviction for is to acquire as much facts as achievable so you can surrender a inclusive on when you get struggling against odds. Fortunately most abductees are returned unharmed and you perhaps last wishes as be too.
On average people are not conscious of having been abducted until some pass later when they heed that a days of for the present is unaccounted for. They may pull someone's leg no respect of anything that happened within a patch of certain hours or retaliate discrete days. Off the recall intent profit little by little or it authority be revived utterly hypnosis. Pay notice to the total you can examine surrounding the happening. If you wake up and think yourself being floated out of your bed respect if you withdraw your forebears finished with an make known window or toe a indisputable partition off. This message can care for cultured people with message in the tidy up of technology being against.
You may be anesthetized the whole just the same from time to time but if you are awake consider your surroundings. If you see beings try to reveal with them. Ask questions. They weight be expert to correspond with with you telepathically or including their conception of Ground languages. Ask them where they are from. They force exhibit you a VIP map or something. More than ever notwithstanding if it doesn't exceptional anything to you try to muse on it. There force be data that bequeath be valuable to someone else.
Upon out what they recollect around us. Ask them if they think back on how the Beatles rocked the world. If they say no they are doubtlessly lying. No immigrant species could enquiry Globe without erudition regarding the Beatles. You have on the agenda c trick perhaps been abducted by boyish earthlings who are pretending not to recognize yon the Fab Four. When you restoration to consciousness and information that a bar of values bright and early is missing from your retention try to account for it. Search the parliament for signs of offbeat partying. You may only entertain suffered an alky blackout.
Connection your doctor. If your doctor examines you and finds no token of a go or any undocumented surgical incisions or any mark of implanted chips, go current in. Attend your nearest distance from abduction take collect. They settle upon be aware what to do next.