понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

How to Become an Artist

Bottled between us is a part of our soul that needs to be expressed creatively. Have you ever wished you could make art? I'm here to tell you that you are and can become an artist. It is a matter of finding something you are grateful compliance, and most importantly, something that is enjoyable. Now is the time to leave the party of compassion and unleash their talent.
Here are five steps to get rid of the doubt and become the artist who has dreamed of being!

Taking Action:
1. Believe in yourself.

First, you must believe in yourself. You are your harshest critic, if you think you can not, this will manifest in that. Plain and simple. Their confidence is reflected in her artwork. People are like stained glass, glow when light hits them, but it is only when the night you have to find the light within.

2. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing?

What feeds your soul? Once he met an artist who took photos of the bathrooms (which should have toilets just loved it). This can include anything from painting, sculpture, scrap booking for taking pictures of the bathrooms! In essence, dancing to the beat of his own drum.

3. Become a mental warrior.

I do not mean to grab the machete and going off to battle. What I mean by this is to accept that sometimes things will turn out crap. Afford to make mistakes and learn from them. This warrior mentality (Oorah!) allows you to be this much closer (If I could show you how close I would!) To become a mental warrior. Disappointment is inevitable, but only temporary.

4. The critical acclaim.

This may be one of the hardest things to become an artist. The criticism will remain constant throughout his career. Sometimes it's hard not to be disappointed in yourself. However, remember that art is subjective. Harsh criticism lurking everywhere, multiply like gremlins in the water. Criticism can be beneficial in some cases. For example, perhaps your technique could use some polishing. So take the criticism with a grain of salt.

5. Patience.

Art comes easier to some than others. On the other hand, working toward something, while not unique along the way will get the cake that much more delicious. Allow yourself to grow while using their mistakes as a learning tool.