четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.


 Even if you know how to use airbrush and you know how to use masks and templates to create a special effect, but when it comes to art, just painted piece that has no artistic value. Let me explain! Imagine you are doing real fire effect following all the guidelines for professionals (DVD, books, etc) and the more you try the worse it gets. Even after long days (maybe weeks) are not getting more. Still does not look like real fire.

From my experience was very bad in the pictures. I've always wanted to paint some of my friends or someone famous, but every time I tried the result did not satisfy me. When I showed it to someone, the first impression was "WOW!", "This is great!" but when I said it was in that picture I found only "Are You Sure?"

There is no problem for nature, still life or animals, but when it comes to confronting people had no chance. Trying to figure out what is wrong I could not. Everything was proportional and the right size (I think) but I lost something and most of my portraits were named "Unknown."

Today's artists have tools that will make life much easier. I'm sure many of them use templates not only to accelerate their work, but get the exact look of the original.

I do not think real art templates need. I'm fine with tape, airbrush is really necessary. Or special templates that are used only to mask (real fire effect), but I do not know why they are called templates anyway.

What I mean here are the templates made with the full form of painted object (such as skulls, dragons, etc. ) So after all, all you need are the skills with an airbrush but no talent. Talent comes only when you want the template object look realistic and everything left of the template is just his way. So something very important if you want to show your talent then you always have to make final aspect of the painting will be the sole original, unique.

Another thing is to use their own templates. I referred to the templates that can be purchased online or at your local store. Now imagine that there could be thousands of people who had bought the same template you made. Templates do not think that a good name for airbrushing. Yes, it makes it easier, but so hundreds of cars make it look like the car or bicycle was not painted at all, but is just a label.
I have to mention a name - Mike Lavallee. Use your own templates, but the final picture is totally awesome and original. You can not even see the trail of a stencil. If you've seen any of the works of Mike should know that after the template is always free hand and the hand of belonging to a true artist and the result is impressive.

Airbrushing can be described as an art?

According to Wikipedia "In general, the art is done with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions." So if you bring your paint their thoughts and emotions, then the creation of an art. Otherwise the blind copy of the template can not be taken as art.