четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.

The Song Is Everything!

So what is needed to create a commercial song? One who may sell to another artist, published or placed on a TV show? Well, the answer to this question is of course subjective and can debate all day (and night!) Long. However, I can share with you a few simple rules, which in my experience, made all the difference in my career. I have had some success in the licensing and publishing, and I think these guidelines are few, simple little I have followed have been the key.

In short (very little), keep the original and catchy song! The average listener will not be long on complicated songs or melodies.

First is the length of the song. You do not want a song that's too long! People are going to grow very tired of it, and quickly! Anything more than four minutes is too long for the most part. I know you are saying, "But what about Iron Butterfly or Led Zeppelin 'blah, blah?" Yes, there are always exceptions, but adhere to these standards and are much more likely to have something worth listening to and that is more likely to be licensed and / or published.)

In addition, you want the song to be coming in the choir of about 45 seconds. This keeps the listeners interested in the beginning of the song. The first verse is, and then very quickly come chorus of the song. None of these minute introductions that keep the listener waiting for the singer to start. Eek!

Now, the structure of the song should be very simple. In fact, it must be like the majority that are heard on the radio: a verse, then chorus, then a verse, then chorus, then a bridge (where the changes in the song) and then another choir. Basically, that's it! (Simple huh?)

Sometimes the songs have a third verse then a chorus variations and even with an outro, but for the most part, just stick to the previous structure and will be fine. And remember, your chorus should be different dynamics of their verses and should sound distinctly different. The verse of the song should be based on the chorus.

And finally, one of the most important points! Do not use cliché lyrics! Simply refuse to write something that has already been written or used. Do not talk about climbing mountains, or look in the eyes of someone! Do not! It will be the death of his song!

So with a little practice, creativity, time and following these simple little rules, you can be on your way to write commercial songs. Good luck!